Fruit has many health giving properties and should play a central role in our diet. In general, it is very Sattvic and spiritual in its nature. We can use it to aid meditation and for establishing mental harmony and intelligence. It is light and cooling, but like all things must be eaten in correct proportion; an excess of fruit can lead us to become oversensitive, this can result in us feeling spaced out and unable to concentrate properly, fruit is after all associated with the ether element.
A diet composed of fruit alone is not enough to build and fortify us in our busy modern life styles. Ayurveda teaches us that living well is a question of achieving balance in all things. Too much fruit without other dietary ingredients can weaken our digestive fire that Ayurveda calls Agni.
Fruit is sweet, sour and sometimes astringent in taste. It is cool in energy and has a sweet post digestive effect. This increases our saliva and stomach secretions. Fruit tends to be thirst relieving, refrigerant, alterative (nourishing and improving health) and laxative. It contains lots of water. It cleans the blood and eaten in correct proportions, it has a reducing effect on the tissues. Fruit can create a lightness of mind and spirit and it can help to purify the body.
Fruit is best eaten by itself and not combined with other foods. Eating fruit along with other types of food can lead to an aggravation of Kapha which can hinder good digestion. If you have a juicer at home, you can make a fresh juice of mixed fruits and water to drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. After this it is best to wait a while for it to settle, then you may eat your porridge or equivalent. For this reason, I usually recommend that people should leave about an hour between eating or drinking fruit and then eating other types of food.
A diet composed of fruit alone is not enough to build and fortify us in our busy modern life styles. Ayurveda teaches us that living well is a question of achieving balance in all things. Too much fruit without other dietary ingredients can weaken our digestive fire that Ayurveda calls Agni.
Fruit is sweet, sour and sometimes astringent in taste. It is cool in energy and has a sweet post digestive effect. This increases our saliva and stomach secretions. Fruit tends to be thirst relieving, refrigerant, alterative (nourishing and improving health) and laxative. It contains lots of water. It cleans the blood and eaten in correct proportions, it has a reducing effect on the tissues. Fruit can create a lightness of mind and spirit and it can help to purify the body.
Fruit is best eaten by itself and not combined with other foods. Eating fruit along with other types of food can lead to an aggravation of Kapha which can hinder good digestion. If you have a juicer at home, you can make a fresh juice of mixed fruits and water to drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. After this it is best to wait a while for it to settle, then you may eat your porridge or equivalent. For this reason, I usually recommend that people should leave about an hour between eating or drinking fruit and then eating other types of food.