Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis), is a wonderfully fragrant herb with an aromatic lemony scent. It is a perennial member of the mint family with small white flowers and has numerous useful medicinal uses. In Greek mythology Melissa was one of the nymph nurses to Zeus, sister to Amaltheia. But rather than feeding the baby milk, Melissa appropriately for her name, fed him honey. It was after this enchanting character that lemon balm was named and this is why an alternative name for Lemon Balm is Bee Balm.
John Evelyn (1620-1706) articulated that lemon balm’s long tradition as a tonic remedy which can raise ones spirits and bring comfort to the heart. He wrote - “Balm is sovereign for the brain, strengthening the memory and powerfully chasing away melancholy”.
Its principle actions are that of a a diaphoretic, a relaxing nerve tonic, an antispasmodic, a carminative and employed in treating viral infections such as cold sores. It is in essence both cooling and calming so can be used to ameliorate many hot inflammatory conditions which in Ayurveda are referred to as excesses of pitta. It is a fantastic medhya herb, enhancing memory and calming anxiety and depression. It is trophorestorative, as it tonifies and repairs the nervous system and is antioxidant. It helps to regulate the thyroid.
It can be applied externally to skin conditions such as herpes, shingles, hives and urticaria. Lemon balm leaves make a delicious refreshing tea.
John Evelyn (1620-1706) articulated that lemon balm’s long tradition as a tonic remedy which can raise ones spirits and bring comfort to the heart. He wrote - “Balm is sovereign for the brain, strengthening the memory and powerfully chasing away melancholy”.
Its principle actions are that of a a diaphoretic, a relaxing nerve tonic, an antispasmodic, a carminative and employed in treating viral infections such as cold sores. It is in essence both cooling and calming so can be used to ameliorate many hot inflammatory conditions which in Ayurveda are referred to as excesses of pitta. It is a fantastic medhya herb, enhancing memory and calming anxiety and depression. It is trophorestorative, as it tonifies and repairs the nervous system and is antioxidant. It helps to regulate the thyroid.
It can be applied externally to skin conditions such as herpes, shingles, hives and urticaria. Lemon balm leaves make a delicious refreshing tea.